Friday, April 20, 2012


With all this talking, what has been said? The subtle truth can he pointed at with words, but it can't be contained by them. Take time to listen to what is said without words, to obey the law too subtle to be written, to worship the unnameable and to embrace the unformed. Love your life. Trust the Tao. Make love with the invisible subtle origin of the universe, and you will give yourself everything you need. You won't have to hide away forever in spiritual retreats. You can be a gentle, contemplative hermit right here in the middle of everything, utterly unaffected, thoroughly sustained and rewarded by your integral practices. Encouraging others, giving freely to all, awakening and purifying the world with each movement and action, you'll ascend to the divine realm in broad daylight. The breath of the Tao speaks, and those who are in harmony with it hear quite clearly. -- Chapter 81 of the Hua Hu Ching, trans. Brian Walker
I haven't been blogging as regularly as I used to. As of late, I've been offline, taking care of what's truly important to me. And all the while, I've been dormant, hibernating, perhaps gestating — engaging in reflection, mediation, personal study, and introspection that's got me undergoing what feels to me some kind of "inner transformation".

I've been observing nature, watching my kids learn and play, trying to be a better listener, and doing my best to let go of my over-inflated sense of importance and the need to be in control. I've been reading and re-reading the Tao Te Ching, the Hua Hu Ching, and several books on meditation. I've been enjoying my training at the dojo, mostly for for what it is and releasing my expectations for what I've always wanted it to become. And I've been working out harder than I have in a long time.

Admittedly, I don't have any particular insights to share at this point in my journey, other than to say that I think it's time for me to sundown this blog: After some five years of writing, all these words do not appear to have increased my wisdom or my happiness.

But I'm sure it hasn't been a total waste of time or effort, either.

I've already written a little bit more about this on my UBBT blog. I'm sure I'll emerge from my cocoon at some point, to resume my regular writing with something interesting to say, but it probably won't be here. Thank you for being a part of this journey. My learning and growing continues — I hope yours does, too.

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