Thursday, June 30, 2011

Everything Counts!

"How you do anything is how you'll do everything." I heard or read this phrase in the last 24 hours or so, and it has really stuck with me. (Perhaps all the reading on mindfulness is sinking in!) I wish I could remember the source of this quote, so I could give proper credit and attribution where it's due. Ah, well. My sincere apologies to the originator, whoever and wherever you are.

This phrase teaches me an important lesson: that whatever level of attention, energy, presence, and mindfulness I bring to one activity will tend to be reflected in the other aspects of my life. Watch how I brush my teeth, tie my shoes, or perform a kata, and you're likely to see similarities in how I sign my name on a check, drive my car, or talk with and listen to my wife and kids.

Everything counts. If my life is my dojo, then I'm always in training. Therefore, virtually everything I do is practice. All I need to do is add awareness. So instead of driving my car mindlessly during my commute, perhaps I should attempt to practice driving. Instead of shaving as part of my morning routine, perhaps I could practice shaving as an extension of my life's ART.

The path toward mastery and greater awareness is always right now, and right here, beneath our feet.

Sensei Jason Gould
Emerald Necklace Martial Arts

1 comment:

Stacia Kelly said...

What a great reminder sir! And yes, whenever I put focused attention on even the smallest of things, I get so much more out of them.